New Year, New Start

Goodbye, 2022! Do you sometimes wish you could wave a magic wand and achieve all the goals you’ve set for yourself? I know I do! This past year has been a year of ups and downs for many of us. Personally, I lost a family member and a friend and survived Hurricane Ian (I live in Florida). Conversely, I was able to connect with some family and friends I had not seen in several years and meet my first great-niece! It was a bit of a roller coaster.
As I reflect on these events and look at the things I’d hoped to accomplish, I realize how the goals I set for myself at the start of 2022 shifted as events in my life unfolded. I recently listened to the How to Reset Your Life Ted Talk by author and international leadership speaker Fawn Gerner, who said, “A reset is not a do-over. It’s a start over…Do something that will give you meaning.” That really resonated with me. While the new year may mean New Year’s resolutions, you can hit that restart button on anything — at any time!
Set Your Intentions
Getting started begins with setting goals. According to Jacqueline Smith, CEO at Absolute Best Academy, statistics show that less than 10% of people achieve their goals (Source: Jacqueline Smith). Smith recommends asking yourself some key questions as you set your intentions, including what the scope of your goal is, why you want to pursue it and how you plan to review your progress along the way. Creating a vision board may help you solidify your goals and help you remember why you started in the first place (Source:
Overcome Hurdles
Once you’ve set your goals, you need to be confident that you’re going to be victorious. Give yourself space to just be and breathe. Maintain your focus and know that you can overcome any obstacle! According to Lifehack, fear, unclear boundaries and expectations and a desire to reach perfection too quickly are some of the greatest obstacles to overcome while trying to reach your goals. Keeping a positive attitude, cutting out negative self-talk and giving yourself the grace and space to achieve your potential are key ways to keep yourself on track.
Think Positively
Reflect on the past, but don’t stay there. We’re human and have had some great experiences and some not-so-great. The key is to decide what you can glean from those and then leave the past in the past.
Visualize how you want something to be. If you want to be financially stable, imagine what that looks like to you. Does that mean debt-free? Is it being able to travel when/where you want? Perhaps it’s living in a different city.
Feel the joy! Celebrate those accomplishments, no matter how small, that bring you closer to your goals. As they say, get out of your own way! Achievements take hard work — and you CAN do it…end of story!
Ready to get started on your goal-setting journey? Join us for our free SmartSessions training Hitting the Reset Button on Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 2:00 p.m. CST to learn more.

Michiale Schneider
Senior Trainer - Michiale has over 40 years of experience in learning and development, higher education, and sales. She was a former director of financial aid with a Master in Higher Education Administration degree from the University of Toledo. Michiale is also an Accredited Financial Counselor with the Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education (AFCPE). Her background as a financial aid director and sales manager enables her to bring real-world experiences to Ascendium’s curriculum training programs.