Student Loan Repayment Assistance ROI Calculator

Calculate how providing student loan repayment assistance can help reduce turnover and save your company money.
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Slide the bars to depict your employee situation.
Estimated Net Annual Savings with Employer Contribution:
Based on the data you provided a savings may not be achieved. However, offering a student loan repayment assistance benefit is a great way to boost employee satisfaction and financial wellbeing. It can help you retain your valued top talent.
See the details behind the savings!
- Turnover cost with and without.
- Total contribution and fees.
- Reduced turnover costs.
Calculations created through the use of this calculator are based on information you have provided. The accuracy of the results provided depends on the accuracy of the values you entered. All calculators provide unofficial estimates and should be used for informational purposes only. Information presented by this website should not be relied on for legal or tax advice.
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